Positive Behavior Support Specialist, PBSS
Surpass Behavioral Health
3.2 3.2 out of 5 stars
Owensboro, KY 42303
Surpass Behavioral Health
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Licenses Do you have a valid Driver's License license?
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Skills Do you have experience in Working with people with developmental disabilities ?
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Education Do you have a Master's degree ?
Yes No
Job details Here’s how the job details align with your profile .
Job type • Full-time
Full job description
*Please note that compensation provided on job boards may not be accurate . Rates are determined based on relevant experience and training.*
At Surpass Behavioral Health, our dedicated team is passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of our clients and their families. Join our team as a Positive Behavior Support Specialist to be a part of our mission to make a difference.
The Positive Behavior Support Specialist (PBSS) is a contract position, are responsible for conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and developing a Positive Behavior Supports Plan for participants in Kentucky’s 1915(c) Waiver programs (Michelle P, Supports for Community Living, Acquired Brain Injury), then providing direct support to participants and training to key stakeholders on the implementation of that plan to promote positive outcomes that promote the participant’s meaningful engagement in their home and community. The Positive Behavior Support Specialist, proactively monitors, develops, and updates behavioral services and plans in the educational setting and facilitating family support services/home treatment plans.
This position will support clients in the Owensboro, KY area.
What you’ll do in this role:
Provide evidence-based, individualized interventions that assist a participant with acquisition or maintenance of skills for community living and behavioral intervention for the reduction of challenging behaviors.
• Provide written summaries of findings and recommendations for the participant and the participant’s person-centered planning team.
• Participate in developing and revising in-home treatment or support plans as components of a participant’s Plan of Care (POC).
• Complete a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) prior to the development of a Positive Behavior Supports Plan, using designated templates and within established protocols and timelines, and in full compliance with Waiver regulations.
• Complete a Positive Behavior Supports Plan subsequent to completion of a FBA, using designated templates and within established protocols and timelines, and in full compliance with Waiver regulations.
We are looking for compassionate Positive Behavior Support Specialists with:
• Must be at least 18 years of age.
• Master’s degree in a behavioral science or human services field is required .
• 1 year of direct experience working with an IDD population is required ; experience working specifically with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is preferred .
• Must have a valid state driver’s license
• Ability to travel to clients’ and participants’ homes and community settings
NOTICE: Successful completion of a drug screen prior to employment is part of our background process, which includes medical and recreational marijuana.
By supplying your phone number, you agree to receive communication via phone or text.
By submitting your application, you are confirming that you are legally authorized to work in the United States.
JR# JR244612
If you require alternative methods of application or screening, you must approach the employer directly to request this as Indeed is not responsible for the employer's application process.
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